So, this week was interesting. I guess horrible would be a better word, but somehow I’m still smiling. We lost a bunch of the investigators we found last week. We didn’t have anyone in church. We almost killed ourselves doing a special fast, but we feel good about what we did. It’s kind of weird. It’s a blessing though that our adversity is coming from outside sources. We don’t have to worry about the consequences of disobedience or an un-unified companionship. We get along great and are obedient to the best of our abilities.
We have a few investigators. One is named Sebastian. He’s 22 years old and well off. He is looking for the truth. The night after our first visit his business was robbed and he lost almost everything. On the night after our second visit his aunt died, which meant he was busy the next day, Sunday. But he’s doing really well. He’s reading the Book of Mormon and preparing for baptism.
Last zone conference President da Silva challenged everyone in the mission to read the Book of Mormon before the April conference. We are to read and mark every time it makes references to the word heart. We’re studying hard and soft hearts. It’s really interesting. When Elder Bednar came to our mission he invited us to do the same and said to look for a change in references to hearts before and after 4th Nephi. I started Mosiah today. It’s interesting though because I’m realizing it’s hard for me to read a lot every day and focus on one thing. I really liked what I was doing before studying Preach My Gospel for our investigators. But in order to be obedient to my mission president, I’m doing this, and the Lord is blessing me.
So, as I was cleaning the kitchen today, I found a pouch of Betty Crocker type cake mix – just the pouch, no box. We didn’t have instructions, so we mixed it with milk and eggs, and it looks like it should. It’s the white cake with rainbow thingies inside. I’m excited. We will probably eat it when we get back. That’ll be fun. Ironically, after we had it in the oven and I kept cleaning, I found the directions. We forgot to put a third cup of oil in. Oh well, at least it’ll be healthier.
Thanks for all the prayers. I love you all. I love being a missionary. I love representing Jesus Christ.
Elder Whitaker
A Sacred Weekend
5 weeks ago