Thanks for all the emails.
I feel like I have a lot to write about this week. I don't know where to start. We have a baptism this week, Laura. We found her a while back and now she'll be baptized. She's about 40 years old, she's married and has a 15 year old daughter. She prayers for her family that one day they'll want to be baptized. We pray the same.
MICHELLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, 15, if you were here you'd be having a huge expensive party and Dad would be grouchy until Thanksgiving! Have fun driving and enjoy your new shoes and CDs and clothes. Good luck in your play too.
So I have some randomly sad news. I think I'm going bald. Prayers please. It's not too bad yet and I think we can fix it with faith. I think the hairline is receding, but only on the left side, it's kind of weird. I wish I knew how to send photos to show you all.
Speaking of photos, my camera's memory is full almost and I need either the USB cord or another memory card or both. Alright, I don't need it, I'd like it and I'd be grateful if I could get it eventually. Thanks.
The winter seems to be close to over. It's not bitter cold in the night or morning any more. I'm kind of worried for summer though. I think it will be very hot here.
So I completed 3 months this week. Wow. Joseph F. Smith became fluent in Hawaiian in 3 months. Prophets aren't the only ones that see miracles like that in their lives. I don't understand everything, but I can say what I want to. It's amazing. This Sunday a brother spoke in sacrament meeting – Hermano Barreto. He also spoke my first Sunday in the field. He only has teeth on his lower jaw, and is tough to understand. I didn't understand anything the first week, but yesterday I understood a lot. He spoke about service.
The other day we had an FHE with a couple families. We learned about testimonies and went in a circle and everyone bore their testimony. I love doing this because the Spirit is always present and powerful. I would recommend inviting a family over and trying it at our home. And, of course, have cookies and cake and milk afterward.
Next week is transfers, so Pday is Wednesday. FYI I didn't die. [I think that means he's not being transferred.]
Oh, and Mom and Dad, thanks for all the things you taught me. Thanks for “there is no excuse”. I've been thinking about that lately. Thanks for the prayers. Every now and then I'll feel comfort that comes from those prayers. Send Kyle my love and luck. Brad, good job going 6 minutes [referring to lasting a full wrestling match without getting pinned]. One of these days I'll send some letters I have stacked up, but no rush, you're not going anywhere soon.
Love, Elder Jeffrey B. Awesome
A Sacred Weekend
5 weeks ago