So I told a friend of mine that I went to the doctor and and that after an MRI the fact that I tore my ACL was confirmed. This friend is is very strong in his opinions and INSISTED that if it were really torn I would not even be able to walk. He wanted to know which doctor I saw.
What would you do in that situation? Arguing is just stupid, I'm not going to argue with him. But at the same time, do I call the doctor and say he was wrong? I saw the MRI. So I just nodded my head and said "okay, maybe" and tried to escape. I stopped at the door I thought he would use. He lingered. I went to the bathroom. He was a boy so that didn't work either. But finally he left. So I'm nervous for monday because we always sit next to each other in history class.
But my friend does have credentials I don't have. He is taking anatomy and probably has better than a D-, so maybe he knows something that Dr. Mortensen and I don't.