Thursday, November 24, 2011


I had surgery Tuesday. I reported to the hospital at 6:30 am. The plan was to put in a nerve block to turn off the feeling of my femoral nerve, then to put me under with anesthesia and then operate. I didn't remember any of it, weird. I went home to Megan's house and Steven and Megan and Weston helped keep me safe from Wyatt and recovering. We created a 2 couch "Pack -n-play" to keep Wyatt out.
And on Wednesday I went to physical therapy and the doctor was pleased to see me get a 90 degree bend. They also got me the paperwork I need to get a handicap parking pass for 3 months. Cool.
I like this one because it tells you so much: I really can bend it 90 degrees, they did a great job shaving part of my leg, and the painkillers work great.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day before surgery rings

So I wanted a video of the best I can do before I got surgery. So this is it. Pretty fun stuff. I've learned a lot.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Nov 8, 2011

So here's my attempt at a gymnastics "routine". I wish I knew more tricks.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

So maybe I didn't

So I told a friend of mine that I went to the doctor and and that after an MRI the fact that I tore my ACL was confirmed. This friend is is very strong in his opinions and INSISTED that if it were really torn I would not even be able to walk. He wanted to know which doctor I saw.

What would you do in that situation? Arguing is just stupid, I'm not going to argue with him. But at the same time, do I call the doctor and say he was wrong? I saw the MRI. So I just nodded my head and said "okay, maybe" and tried to escape. I stopped at the door I thought he would use. He lingered. I went to the bathroom. He was a boy so that didn't work either. But finally he left. So I'm nervous for monday because we always sit next to each other in history class.

But my friend does have credentials I don't have. He is taking anatomy and probably has better than a D-, so maybe he knows something that Dr. Mortensen and I don't.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

ACL Tear

So I twisted my knee about a month ago playing a game called wallyball. It's a way fun game. It's volleyball in a raquetball court and you can use the walls. So I decided to just walk it off. After a week I could jog again and after 2 weeks I could jump again.

Then I had an intermural volleyball game and twisted it again. The score was like 25 to 25 and you had to win by 2. I went to save the ball that had flown out of the court and when I went to pivot my leg my knee twisted. We were playing down a player so for the last few plays we played down 2 players.

I decided it would be better not to walk it off this time. I went to the doctor, got an MRI, and today they said I ripped my ACL. Well that's the story. I wish I had pictures, but I don't.