Well, I've been needing to blog something for a while. But I've also needed something to blog about. I think I'm going to share with everyone what I've learned at college so far, after about 3 to 4 months on the college scene.
One of the first things I realized was to look at college in a different way. I look at it as a very expensive YMCA membership with free schooling on the side. I've had way more fun with all the facilities BYU offers than with the classes I've had to go to. So by paying for something that I really enjoy and having the education a nice added bonus it keeps me from ever wanting to drop out. I mean, what would I do if I couldn't lift, dive, or play racket ball any day of the week? I'd be miserable.
Self control is your greatest asset. I've sorta lost mine gradually and it's been painful. Mostly self control with reguards to waking up. In the beginning of the semester I woke up every day an hour before class and I went to breakfast and had the whole routine. Unfortunately as time went on, I lost that ability due to the snooze button. I think on one friday (the day I don't have classes) I snoozed for like 4 hours. I pressed that button like 30 something times. So I learned that next semester I'll put that blasted device on the other side of the room.
Take care of your body and your body will return the favor. From the beggining of the semester I've been steriotyped as the healthiest kid in Helaman Halls. 80% of the time I'm asleep between 11 and 12, and 15% of the remaining 20 is before 11. I also lift weights and go diving several times a week, and I often eat at subway. Which is somehow the healthiest place on campus. But because I take care of my body, I havn't slept through any class yet. I havn't gained the freshman 15, not even close. And I feel good. I'm rarely grouchy and I'm never alloud to complain about being tired.
And the last thing I've learned during college is if people meet you when you're at your best, you're forced to be your best when ever they're around. For example, I quickly let my roommate know that I rarely ever get mad, frustrated, bothered, or offended. Because I got that out early I had to make sure that I never showed those negative attributes and I was never outwardly mad, frustrated, bothered or offended all semester. And if I ever felt one of those emotions I would just go and lift weights and get the frustration out. And as a result, people think I don't get mad. And if I ever do, people listen and get out of the way. Which can be nice.
Well, that's what I've learned. I hope it was interesting and not too long. I'm just trying to kill time until dinner opens up. 20 more minutes.
A Sacred Weekend
5 weeks ago