So Dad said it was tough getting all the logistics set up for your trip to Nauvoo. I kind of know how you feel. We had some crazy travel logistics this week for our zone conference. But that’s all done and it went well. I learned a ton. It was really cool because President da Silva shared Alma 22 and the points he wanted to make I already had marked in my scriptures. Either the Spirit teaches us alike or we think alike. It was cool. President also asked us to all read the Book of Mormon in 6 weeks before the next zone conference, and mark everything that has to do with Jesus Christ. I’m learning a ton. I’m marking his works, references to him, and types for Christ. It’s way cool.
And this exercise gave me an idea of a way to read the Book of Mormon as a family. Read it normally, but each person would be looking for a specific topic and marking it all in their copy. Every now and then for FHE you could share what you’ve learned. Some topics I’ve thought of are Christ, 4th Article of Faith stuff, joy, preparation, obedience, promises, God’s mercy (from Moroni 10:3), and hearts. There are a ton of topics I’d like to study, there just isn’t time.
Thanks for the FHE ideas, and Mom, I remember "Don’t Eat Pete." I’ve done that here in Uruguay. We call it "come Pedro." Good stuff.
The other day in my studies I was thinking about Alma 48:17, the “if everyone was like Moroni” scripture. I was thinking about what you’d have to do to get a prophet to say that about someone normal, that isn’t a Book of Mormon prophet, and I got to thinking it wouldn’t be that hard, because most of the temptations come from other people. If those temptations stopped coming, Satan would have very little power. I really think you could put anyone’s name from our family in this scripture and it would be true.
I love you all. Until next week, Elder Whitaker
A Sacred Weekend
5 weeks ago
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